Monday, 19 April 2010


I spent two days out in the glorious sunshine this weekend. This is potentially a record - bright sun normally has me running for the shade before I turn tomato-red and develop a migraine, but no! I gloried in the warmth and I wish I was back out there!

The husband and I are taking a bit of a break from the internal DIY while the weather is beautiful to sort out the garden, which has been a bit neglected of late. We're planning a vegetable plot, a new shed*, a better lawn and a chicken coop. Or at least I am planning a chicken coop. The other members of Rarnzington Towers seem not quite so sure. Anyway - the end of the garden is dug up and covered with sheeting to kill the weeds and the raised beds are hopefully arriving soon, so at that point we'll site them and make paths with weedproof membrane and bark chippings. It's going to look great.

Tonight's job will be sowing seeds into cells - although we've had cloudless sunshine this weekend (one positive side effect of the Ash Cloud o' Doom) my neighbour-across-the-fence informed me that we had a frost on Friday night (and he correctly identified my damson sapling as the other day without having seen the label, so I reckon he knows his onions) so I'm growing stuff indoors on the spare room windowsill (since I am sans greenhouse). Plans vary on what we will be growing, so watch this space.

In the meantime, my tomato plants are sunbathing in their grobag (Gardener's Delight, Moneymaker, Cherriettes of Fire) and I rescued a sad-looking Garden Pearl and a chilli plant the other night, so they are recuperating indoors.

Exciting times - the weather has made such a difference to my general outlook of late and long may it continue. It's been a very productive weekend!

*That it's still standing amazes me given Elphie's penchant for mountaineering on top of it. And it wasn't particularly stable when we acquired the house, either.